Stafi In Partnership With Liquee To Launch rTokens Products

Alaka Olalekan
2 min readAug 31, 2021

In cryptocurrency you can hodl your crypto assets and keep them safe in a wallet till they appreciate overtime, but just like you feel disturbed about leaving your cash in a bank with low interest, interestingly you might feel the same way about your crypto assets, this is where crypto lending and staking comes to play whereby you can receive interest on your borrowed assets and also enable borrowers to unlock the values of their digital asset by using it as collateral for a loan.

Cryptocurrency lending refers to a type of decentralised finance that allow investors to lend their cryptocurrency to different burrowers, this way they get interest payments in exchange which is also called crypto dividend.

Many platforms specialize in lending crypto and accept stablecoin in a decentralised marketplace, a good example is liqee.

Liqee is the world first decentralised lending market for liquid staking tokens and it is powered by Dforce lending protocol, which is audited by four global top firms including trails of bit, consensys deligence, certik, certoa. Liqee strives to become the largest Protocol for liquid stakes token and unified portal for unlocking liquidity of staking market.

Stafi is also a defi protocol for unlocking liquidity of staked assets, Crypto users can stake PoS token and get rTokens in return this rTokens are available for trading and earning rewards.
This rTokens are synthetic token given by stafi to crypto users who stake PoS token through their stafi token app(

Stafi and liqee will come together to make their network in accordance to each other, the two projects will work together to introduce rTokens including rETH/rATOM/rDOT in the liquee lending platform, so they can be used as collateral to borrow different native token and stablebcoin.

Liqee which was launchy recently will support stafi, rTokens are the first batch of assets upon launch allowing users to borrow PoS tokens.
Apparently in this partnership of stafi and liquee, rTokens holders could deposit rTokens on liqee to borrow ETH, ATOM, DOT and USX(stablecoin), to gain liquidity without selling on DEX which will allow an increase in the liquidity of tokens, thus improving the adoption of stafi staking derivatives, rTokens could also use liquee to amplify their staking reward by using levarage liquid staking(LLS) in the future.

Liqee could also provide this brand-new interest-bearing assets for its users, and become the first lending protocols that are specialized for staking derivatives, which is a great invention in the DeFi space.

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Alaka Olalekan

Blockchain Enthusiast | | Community Manager | | Digital Marketer.