Cartesi as a bridge between Linux and Blockchain
The advancement of technology is enhanced by the presence of operating systems. There are presently quite a number of operating systems. However, Linux seem to have proven its ultimacy among all others. Linux differ from every other operating system by Linux Kernel which offers free and open access.
Decentralized applications are impeded by software infrastructure which are unsupported and strict on-chain processing limitations. This results in no suitable option for mainstream centralized applications. This is almost impossible to build most times. Blockchain could be a way out but how can it go in directly without main software and not having to sacrifice decentralization in the process? This the problem which Cartesi has come to solve.

Cartesi — The solution.
Cartesi integrates Linux and Blockchain to enhance the development of scalable DApps through the use of fully-fledged Linux operating system and mainstream software stacks. It enables the operation of complex computation off-chain, with freedom from all Blockchain limitations and unnecessary charges and at the same time retaining decentralization and optimum security. scalable and highly powerful DApps can be built on Cartesi.
Advantages of Building on Cartesi
Scalability: Performing intensive computations off-chain and at the same time retaining the security Blockchain provides.
Versatility: Decentralized applications logic built on a true operating system using the numerous open-source software components that are found on Linux.
Simplicity: Cartesi offers developers commonly-used software stacks and well-known standard to build DApps
True Decentralization: Consensus securely reached on-chain. Absence of reputation protocol and TEE, there are also no central servers on the cloud.
Portability: DApps will be made portable across public blockchains of great importance which supports smart contracts.
Privacy: Cartesi allows DApp state to be kept private among application participants. High privacy is practiced.
How to build on Cartesi
1: Code your main DApp logic with Linux and Linux-compatible software stacks. Your program will run off-chain and handle complex computations over high amount of data.
2: Cross-compile the program to be deployed on Cartesi’s virtual machine which emulates a RISC-V microprocessor and operates an in-built Linux distribution.
3: During runtime, your DApp smart contracts delegate computations to the program that runs off-chain on Cartesi nodes. Claiming of results to the blockchain is done by Nodes.
3: DApp users run Cartesi Nodes themselves and in some cases by service providers trusted by them. Through their nodes, sincere users can unfailingly prove their claims to the blockchain and empower their interests.
4: In the case of dispute which rarely occurs, the blockchain commence an interactive dispute resolution between Cartesi Nodes and run one step of the authentic computation. This is done with a minute amount of data and at an extremely low cost.
5: Your DApp runs heavy and complex computation off-chain even as it retains true decentralization as well as the optimum security offered by the blockchain.

Use Cases of Cartesi
DeFi: Cartesi applications are capable of performing complex and intensive computation which involves large quantity of data potentially from multiple sources. This is to set DeFi free from the present scalability constraints of blockchain. Interoperability between blockchains and services like futures and insurance markets will also be aided
Gaming: Cartesi will release wide new possibilities for Blockchain games. Traditional tools and libraries that can be compiled for Linux, will be made available for developers. More interestingly, game state processing will be free from the computational limitations and expensive charges of blockchains even as decentralization remains.
Machine Learning: A decentralized marketplace for AI and computational tasks. The power of Cartesi’s decentralized automated verification will enable developers create services which allows new DApps outsource and distribute work. This leads to new possibilities for reduced cost AI by outsourcing experts and bots.
The Future of Automation: Applications will be able to outsource and disburse verifiable work with the power of Cartesi’s decentralized verification. This opens new channel for trustless marketplace and autonomous system which involves humans and machine, and further drive IoT, data science and AI via modern business models.
Logistics & Optimization: Professionals in the field like logistics and transportation will be able to render their services and get employed by enterprises globally in the absence of a third party.
Research: Millions of users can lend their idle computer power, by outsourced computation. Diverse sector such as scientific research,3D rendering, video transcoding and lots more can all benefit from this without the need of reputation system and in absence of sybil attacks.
Furthermore, Cartesi project does not end within the blockchain space only but it extends help to non-blockchain developers. They can gain and invent unprecedented innovations in the blockchain space with the use of Cartesi network.
Cartesi is a team of experienced experts who are missioned towards improving the gaming industry by building a platform that is of great benefit to both developers and gamers. The team is putting in enormous effort to break the limitations of blockchain and unleash the best in it.
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